Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

happy birthday kanda :)

Happy Birthday Kanda
Today, on your special day,
My heart reaches out to you and pray,
May Allah blesses you with happiness
Today, tomorrow and forever...
with love

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Lentera Jiwa "follow your passion"

Morning fellas,,
Yeaaayyy,, first of december :) ga kerasa udah di penghujung tahun yah,, :p Agak curcol sedikit nih, tapi mudah mudahan ga bikin kalian langsung klik icon close yaaa,, hehhe :) entah kenapa pagi ini saya ga semangat banget buat ngapa ngapain, tapi setelah duduk di depan komputer,, browsing sana sini,, ngalor ngidul engga jelas,, tiba tiba saya masuk ke blognya Yoris Sebastian . Dan lagi lagi saya selalu merasa amaze dgn setiap tulisannya,, bagaimana dia merespon pertanyaan dari pembacanya,, bagaimana motivasi itu keluar dari setiap tulisannya dan bagaimana dia bisa menuangkan ide ide kratifnya.

Ketika saya sampai pada satu tulisan dia yg menyebut soal lentera jiwa, dan merujuk langsung kemana kita bisa tau lebih banyak mengenai LENTERA JIWA , engga segan segan saya langsung meluncur ke halaman yg dimaksut. Dan kali ini saya bisa bilang kalo Lentera Jiwa itu sangat inspiratif. Bagaimana tidak?? begitu home page nya terbuka, kita disambut dengan tulisan kaya gini:
"LENTERA JIWA adalah PASSION. Hal yang sangat kita sukai. Suatu pekerjaan atau kegiatan yang menimbulkan kepuasan tersendiri bagi kita, meskipun sering kali menguras waktu dan tenaga. Itulah LENTERA JIWA kita. Apakah kamu sudah menemukan LENTERA JIWA - mu? "
Ahhh,, rasanya saya engga perlu bicara banyak lagi soal lentera jiwa, kalian bisa langsung klik linknya untuk tau lebih banyak soal lentera jiwa, setidaknya tulisan2 disana cukup membuat pagi saya lebih bermakna, dan mendadak jadi bersemangat,, hehehe oh iya, FYI kalian bisa follow twitter @yoris juga lohh \(^o^)/  hope you have a great day fellas :) -Lovelove

pict from here

Selasa, 30 November 2010

10th anniversary

This's the EOY 2010 celebration..
10th anniversary
(dress code : black)
Update : It gives me great pleasure to announce the 2010 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year awards recipients:
            Edwin Soeryadjaya of Saratoga Group
            Indonesia Entrepreneur Of The Year 2010
            Rawono Sosrodimulyo of PT Aditec Cakrawiyasa
            Manufacturing Innovation Award 2010
            Tan Eng Liang of SOHO Group
            Health Products Innovation Award 2010
            Santoso of KBR68H
            Social Entrepreneur Of The Year 2010
The Award Ceremony was held on 25 November 2010 at the Ritz-Carlton Pacific Place, and will be aired on Metro TV on Saturday, 4 December 2010 at 20:05. So, don't miss it!
 so many things to do,,, so many people work for this event,,,
with wuri from Brownie Recipe
invitation,,, guest list,,, goodie bag,, etc!
what a hectic night, but all over done! good job EOY team,, see you next year :)
have a great day readers :)

Senin, 22 November 2010

Blogger Yard Sale - part 2

it's gonna be so fun :)
see you there gals,,

Kamis, 18 November 2010

Mango Session

i just love this collection,,
don't you think the same?? 

 Find more collection in Mango Stores!!
have a great day fellas!

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Salahkah - Tompi

salahkah bila ku mendua
salahkah bila rasa itu ada
dan aku tak lagi merasa engkau ada
dan cintaku seolah jenuh akan hatimu
kasih tinggalkanlah diriku tuk selamanya
biarkan ku sendiri
cukup bagi diriku melukai hatimu
kasih tinggalkanlah diriku tuk selamanya
biarkan aku
mungkin kau akan bahagia dengan dia, denganmu

tak perlu kau memohon untuk kembali
tak perlu kau memohon cintaku
tiada lagi ruang di hatiku
yg tersisa untukmu

repeat reff
sungguh ku pun tak bisa
untuk tetap mencintaimu
sungguh ku takkan bisa
untuk selalu menyayangimu
sungguh ku tak bisa
untuk tetap mencintaimu selamanya
pergilah kasih tinggalkan aku

repeat reff
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.net

Kamis, 30 September 2010

love the end of september

i just read a post from mppersonal.com
and i really love it,,,
you have to read :)

"on the phone,
why i always hate to end our conversation on the phone.
i hate when i have to push “end” button.
every minute we talk, i think i were there for you, sit next to you, hold you tight and kiss your forehead.
a little soft warm kiss. the kiss that has only a meaning, i love you.
i would give my shoulder for you.
it’s ok if you want to lean down your head there.
but please, do not spill any tears, i hate to see that.
i know what lays in your heart, you dont have to speak it loud. i know.
on the phone, i hate one word, distance.
i wish i were there"

after that, I asked someone I loved to read it.
I said that I really love the post, really represent what's in my heart.
and he give me the lovely answer,,,

Jumat, 17 September 2010

GDO by: idekuhandmade

What can i share from girls day out???
love to see *really fun* bloggers
love to know the workshop of idekuhandmade :)
and the most important thing is....
I love to learn how to make a doll
because it's really push me to be patient :p LOL
Just check out the picts, and you'll know how fun to be there with them :)

Rabu, 15 September 2010

kisah romantis

aku senang mendengar curhatan love life siapa aja,, ada yang mulus mulus aja, ada juga yang engga,,, nah kali ini,,, sebut dia nona, dia punya pacar orang jepang,, disebut aja Mr.K :) semua cerita ini hanya penggalan, tapi yang perlu kamu tau, ternyata romantis itu indah yaaa :)

Dan,,,, nona pun mulai bercerita.......

eheeemmm... di kantornya Mr. K sehari hari menggunakan bahasa inggris, orang indonya juga begitu. jadi dia jarang practice. tapi sebelumnya, Mr.K pernah memanggil guru privat, terus guru privat itu ngajarnya ga maksimal. dia pun mengeluh pada kekasih hatinya..

Mr.K : guru saya klo ngajar, malah gugup, mukanya merah padam, harusnya kan saya yg gugup...
nona   : gurunya cewe apa cowo?
Mr.K :  cewe
nona  : muda apa tua?
Mr.K : seumuran aku
nona  : dia naksir kamu sayaaaang :D
Mr. K : (diam tanpa kata . . . . .)
nona : oke, ganti guru aja yaaah

Rabu, 01 September 2010

life is a choice

Seorang sahabat mengingatkan ku pada suatu hal!
Jelas benar, hidup itu terlalu banyak pilihan,
kalau saja tidak ada pilihan . . .
kira kira apa yang akan terjadi ? ? ?
dan jika nanti suatu hari, kamu harus memilih . . . .
apa yang akan kamu pilih ? ? ?
jadi seperti . . . . .

p.s : find out the answer! just click the link :)

Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

#2 What's On Sale ?

Bazzar Murah
Lobby Plaza Sudirman
24 - 27 Agustus 2010
pukul 10.00 hingga 18.00 WIB

Indonesia Fashion World 2010
Fashion Vaganza Pertama & Terlengkap di Indonesia, Ramadhan Sale
25 - 29 August 2010
Assembly & Plenary Hall Jakarta Convention Center

Bazaar Blok S & Branded Garage Sale
Discount Up to 80%
for Men, Women, Children & Baby
27 & 28 Agustus 2010
11.00 - 21.00
Lapangan Blok S Jln. Suryo, Jakarta Selatan

check out wolipop.com
gotta go there soon,, yeeaaayy!!1

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

too white :)

a few days ago, me and my friends celebrate this ramadhan with orginized an event which called "Tarhib Ramadhan" hhmmm it can be means "welcome ramadhan",,
yeeahh seems like that laahhh :P
anyhoo, this is what i wore on that night :)
don't you think that it's too plain, huuh? (p.s. the DC is white :p )
and on the pict above, i wore this shoes :)
this's from my beloved, he bought it for me when we were in Pasar Nova,,
love it so much :)
-loveshee :)

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

Mango Newsletter

find out more here : http://keepthebeat.mango.com/

have a nice day all :)

Independence day of Indonesia

the day after Indonesian independence day celebration,
65 years . . .
we still have a lot of homework
don't need to think about how to improve Indonesia
because it's not easy . . .
just think to improve our individual first
maybe it'll be more worth
and don't just see the shortcomings,
but be aware that Indonesia also has many strength
congratulations for us
congratulation for Indonesian independence day
jaya terus Indonesia ku

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

pembicaraan yang aneh :D

Pada suatu hari, Martin, seorang auditor lucu yg menggemaskan bertemu dengan Luki, seorang teman sepermainannya sehari hari,,,,

Martin      : (pamer cendol) eehhhh luki luki luki, gw abis beli cendol dong!!!
Luki         : yayaya (sambil males2an nengok ke arah martin dan langsung shock) martin itu cincau namanya!
Martin      : (membuka topik pembicaraan layaknya masih seumuran anak SD) ohh iyah itu maksudnya, eehh luki, cincau tuh bahannya dari apa sih?
Luki         : (insting jahilnya keluar) dari daon jati martin -- berusaha meyakinkan --
Martin      : masa sih? (mulai ragu)
Luki         : iyah bener, masa elu engga tau sih!
martin      : ??? (tambah ragu) ini tuh mirip jelly tapi rasanya aneh,,,,
Luki         : hhmmm jadi tuh ya , , ,  blablablablab (berusaha menjelaskan panjang lebar soal cendol dari daon jati)
Martin      : gw mulai percaya nih ki,,, (ragu itu berubah jadi yakin)
Luki         : nah percaya kan? (sambil nahan ketawa dalem hati karena sukses membuat temennya tambah bego)
Martin      : hhhmmm gw tau sekarang, nah airnya cendol itu dari sari alpukat kan! (sotoy mode on)
Luki         : (udh ga kuat nahan ketawa) buahahahahahhahaha
Martin      : kenapa luk?
Luki         : itu airnya dari santen martin . . . (sambil mesem2, geleng2, ko bisa punya temen kaya si martin)
Martin      : pergi dan berlalu, langsung googling mencari tau soal cendol yg dia maksut

nb: jangan percaya sama temen yg suka jahil :P
hve a nice day

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Panic @ the Bapindo :p

where will you go in your lunch time???
restaurant,, cafe,,, or something???
but it's not me us,,,
Wuri, Lucky and I spent our lunch time in here!
here we go . . . . . :p
you're right! too much sale here :D
look at that queue!! don't you think that they also panic @ the sale? hahahah
sorry for comin' back late Boss!! LoL :p
-hve a nice day all :)

Selasa, 03 Agustus 2010

cute award :)

This is the first post in August, i'm so happy to get it :)
Thank you for Mba Citra from innocentia, she gave me this beautiful Versatile Blog Award. 

And now I have to tell you 7 things about myself:
1. I've one brother (Wisnu), and one sister (Windy)
2. I love chocolate, cake, and milk :)
3. I prefer to climb a mountain, diving or rafting more than playing a roller coaster! I'm so scared to play a game which related to the height and speed :(
4. I just celebrated my 2nd anniversary with my boyfriend, Hendy Yudistira a week ago :) and tomorrow is his birthday. (pssstt... i prepared a gift for him by idekuhandmade, yeeaaayyy)
5. i'm interest in fashion, art and travelling.
6. I'm so happy to have alot of friends around me,, (miss my Crazy Family : nitha, vita, ayu, era, shiva, and wenda! cp6 choy! gank kupu-kupu :p , etc!
7. Yellow is my favorite colour, heheheh

I'm passing this award to :

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Senin, 26 Juli 2010

come come come!!!

Pasar Nova 2010
31 Juli 2010 - 1 Agustus 2010
Pojok Kuliner, Pojok Anak, Pojok Perempuan, Pojok Hobi.
Plaza Tenggara Gelora Bung Karno

Fashion and Accesories Expo 2010
28 Juli 2010 - 1 Agustus 2010
Jalan Gatot Subroto kav 94 JKT

have a nice day

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

dear ade :)

Happy belated birthday Ade,, We wish you all the best :)
kita bertiga emang engga sempet beli cake buat mu :P
but trust me,, doa kita ber-tiga akan selalu menyertai mu,,, hehehhe
kita cuma bisa kasih sedikit kejutan dengan mendatangi mu ramai2 seperti ini!
hope you like it,,! once more,,,, happy birthday :)
-wuri - lucky - ade - shinta-
i love the colour of my hijab :)
 have a lovely weekend gals :)

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

street style

this is what they call street style!
check 'em out . . . . :)
hope it will be inspire you!
you can find out more in StockholmStreetStyle