Selasa, 30 November 2010

10th anniversary

This's the EOY 2010 celebration..
10th anniversary
(dress code : black)
Update : It gives me great pleasure to announce the 2010 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year awards recipients:
            Edwin Soeryadjaya of Saratoga Group
            Indonesia Entrepreneur Of The Year 2010
            Rawono Sosrodimulyo of PT Aditec Cakrawiyasa
            Manufacturing Innovation Award 2010
            Tan Eng Liang of SOHO Group
            Health Products Innovation Award 2010
            Santoso of KBR68H
            Social Entrepreneur Of The Year 2010
The Award Ceremony was held on 25 November 2010 at the Ritz-Carlton Pacific Place, and will be aired on Metro TV on Saturday, 4 December 2010 at 20:05. So, don't miss it!
 so many things to do,,, so many people work for this event,,,
with wuri from Brownie Recipe
invitation,,, guest list,,, goodie bag,, etc!
what a hectic night, but all over done! good job EOY team,, see you next year :)
have a great day readers :)

8 komentar:

  1. bajunya keren apalagi sepatunya ^^

  2. hehhehe inge,, makasi yaa,, aku jadi malu >.< *blushing

  3. wah cantiknyaaa... mbak bagus pake kontak lens gitu

  4. wow,,,emang item slalu keren ya....

  5. cool... walo item semua tapi ga bikin bosen liatnya :D

  6. black emang ga ada matinya, selalu pas buat event apapun..nice :)

  7. Cantik dgn model jilbab yg berbeda shintaa :)

  8. all : iyah,, never ending colour *halaaahhh mulai ngasal deh,, hehhe


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