Jumat, 17 September 2010

GDO by: idekuhandmade

What can i share from girls day out???
love to see *really fun* bloggers
love to know the workshop of idekuhandmade :)
and the most important thing is....
I love to learn how to make a doll
because it's really push me to be patient :p LOL
Just check out the picts, and you'll know how fun to be there with them :)
enjoy it!
(fyi: all the pict are taken from idekuhandmade.blogspot.com)
Anggie                                  Asty
Bulan                                cecil
Juli                                   Kicky
Lucky                                  Shinta

Don't you think that's really fun???
I'm waiting for the next Girls Day Out :)
and for the next event,, you should have to be there!
-have a nice day all

14 komentar:

  1. hwaaaa,,,pengen ikutan...
    kapan ya mbak Puri ngadain acara lagi...

  2. mau dong dibuatin pake avatar aku tapinya :D

  3. ini semua hasil workshop mau dikemanain?

  4. its look fun activity.and ur doll so cute.make for me one.hehe:)

    btw,even it quite late,but i wish Happy Eidul Fotri to u :)


  5. Nice Article, inspiring. Aku juga suka nulis artikel bidang penyembuhan dan kesehatan di blogku : www.TahitianNoniAsia.net, silahkan kunjungi, mudah-mudahan manfaat

  6. Dija mauuuuu

    minta dibikinin Tante Elsa aaaah

  7. tante, jangan lupa yaa
    acaranya Dija tanggal 23 september ini lhooo
    datang ya tanteee

  8. coba aku ikutan.. ga tau ada acara ini hiks hiks hiks

  9. Oh ya... Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri ya Mbak Shinta
    Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin

    *Maap telat ngucapinnya, baru pegang laptop lagi nih :D

  10. Hey Shinta ! Thanks for dropping by. Miss you and the rest of the girls, too ! :)

  11. seruuuuuu.... mau dong bisa bikin... ke tkp ahh..^^


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