dear all,
don't you remember my post about my besties vetha. i had told you that her father was sick. yeah you right, kidney failure. He had previously been treated in ICU for almost a week, and then return home with the circumstances which have been conscious of faint. The family was resigned even if he must go.
But God always gives the best. God gives a chance for vetha's father to came home, to feel the warmth of being at home again, to feel how greatful to live among the beloved family.
yeahh, this afternoon is his last day. God called him to return by His side, to make him forget about the pain. i just can pray and hope that God will receive him in heaven. Thanks for all my friends who have prayed for, may God give the best reward to you guys. Thank you so much (-_-)
pict from here
turut berduka cita T.T
BalasHapusInnalilahi wa innalilahi rojiun...
BalasHapusSemoga amalnya diterima di sisi Allah swt dan keluarganya diberikan ketenangan...
semua yang datang pasti akan pergi..
turut berduka cita..... aku tidak suka perpisahan.. :(
BalasHapusmoga2 ditempatkan sama orang beriman
turut berduka cita, semoga di terima di sisinya selalu
BalasHapusturut berduka cita yaa :(
BalasHapusHe will be in my prayers.
BalasHapusturut berduka cita. salam utk temanmu ya.
BalasHapusturut berduka cita.
BalasHapusSemoga amalnya diterima di sisi Allah S.W.T dan keluarganya diberikan ketenangan, amin :]
heart ya ♥
jangan nangis dong..hehehe
BalasHapussemoga dia bahagia di sana
BalasHapussemoga diberi ketabahan your besties
BalasHapusthank's so :)
BalasHapusmy best wish for you all
masuk gugel translate dah
BalasHapusturut berduka cita ya? semoga amal ibadahnya diterima.. sampaikan ucapan duka buat sahabatnya ya?
BalasHapusAllah tau apa yang terbaik untuk kita semua, semoga kita senantiasa bisa bersyukur dengan apa yang terjadi
BalasHapusturut berduka cita mba' ...
BalasHapusturut berduka cita..
BalasHapuscheer up :)
turut berduka cita, semoga arwah beliau berada di sisi Allah SWT dengan amal kebaikan yang melimpah dan bersih dari kesalahan dunia, amien
BalasHapusI am so sorry hearing about your friend's dad. I hope you can be her strength during this tough times.
BalasHapusreally sorry to hear that :'(
semoga diberi ketabahan olehNya
BalasHapusdatang membawa sekarung semangat, apapun yang terjadi selalu semangat menjalani hidup :)
BalasHapusInnalilahi wa innalilahi rojiun, so sorry to hear that...segala doa terucap, semoga segala amal ibadah diterima oleh-Nya.
BalasHapusterima kasih tuk ralatnya ya....
Innalilahi wa innalilahi rojiun, hope her father spirit got the best place beside The Lord..amin, btw may I ask u about the sentence "God called him to return by His side" u used "His side" as moslem we know if God not like human (Gender) so i think it's not right words, sorry this is just input not taught :)