That someday it would bring me back to you,,,
That may be all I need,,, In darkness she is all I see... Come and rest your bones with me,,, Driving slow on sunday morning
And I never want to leave"
(Sunday Morning - Maroon5)
she's my beloved friend, Vetha. we were be friends since early entrance to college, and I always wanted to travel to Sukabumi, (yes, she lived there :D ) but it's hard for me to get the right time to go there. And just a week ago, i've got the time,, yeaaay,, ^_^ I was able to visit her home. I'm so glad cause I were able to go there, met her big family, and this was the first time i met her again since we graduated from college. yeahhh i remember, it has been almost 6 months i never met her,,, hmmm,, I miss spending along day with her like when we were in college, staying together, share food, come home late into the night, doing a lot of home work until the sun rise, walking around the mall, etc. I really really miss that moment :D
breakfast menu for sunny sunday morning @ vetha's home :
bubur ayam, teh panas, extra pisang coklat,, hmm yummy
after breakfast I went back to Jakarta, I promise if i have spare time, I'll be back to sukabumi, hehehe and u know? i had two tickets "meraih mimpi", yaph you're right i went to the movie that night,, yuuhuuu the film start 5.20 pm, at Planet Hollywood KC. I love it, love it, love it,,,, hehehe
have you seen the movie???
sunmor, di ugm juga ada :D
BalasHapusbertualang mengunjungi teman lama.. sepertinya patut dimasukkan ke dalam list :)
mau dooong hehe
BalasHapusow pisang coklatttt kyny enk..mauuu...
BalasHapusaku msi koas..tahun trakhir doain thn ni kelar..aamien^^
kamuu bikin yulia ngileeeeer
link nya udah di pasang balik ya saaaay
Get Up,Survive, Go Back To The Bed
"bubur ayam, teh panas, extra pisang coklat,, hmm yummy"
BalasHapuscuma ini yg aku ngerti, yg lainnya blank semua.. hehe
wuuuuhh, mau banget...
BalasHapustau aja ni kalo hobi makan. :)
bagus ga filmnya?
BalasHapusmakasih ya linknya!
aku jg udah pasang link ke sini di blog aku..
Cute photo! Thanks for linking me. Have a great day!!!!
BalasHapusthank u so much for your comment on my blog! :)
BalasHapushave a nice day!
veren .a little princess.
empe : ayuukk mari mari, hhehe
BalasHapusanyin : kemana aja kamuu,, kangeennn ;P
aishi lely : ayoo semangat yaaa,, doaku menyertai ,, heheh
lady yulia : trims ya darla :)
da2nkkuswata : ahh masa sii suka gt deh
kira : hobi makan juga toh? hayu hunting bareng,, heheh
dy : filmnya cenderung biasa aja, hanya bertujuan supaya yg nonton percaya kalo mimpi itu bisa jadi kenyataan,, hahhaa MLM bgt lah pokonya,, :)
amy : thank you dear
@mabk shinta halo halo
BalasHapuswaah pisang gorengnya sore sore gini bikin lapper aja yah
salam kenal
dari blogger abnormal
Bubur ayam ya? Wah mau...
BalasHapusasiknya sarapan bareng..mau dong pisang coklatnya..
BalasHapusmet siang aja dhe. datang bawain kolak