how's your day, friend? hope your day will be good, cause my holiday plan to go to bandung was canceled, hiikkss i'm so sad,, :( but just forget it, i don't wanna spend my weekend with sadness, so cheer up! heeheheh :) yuph, although I didn't go on vacation, my sister and I did something together last friday, hahaha do you know what we did? we were both cleaned up our fish pond,, hahaha :D it's difficult to catched all the fishes by hand and in this case, my sister is more unreliable,, huuhhh :P but looked so fun guys, even though all the things became so messy,, hheheh
yupppss now I'm entrusted to take care for a tortoise belongs to my boyfriend, the truth is I don't know how to take care of this little turtle, hahaha but calm down babe, because I will try to take care of it :) trust me,,,