Rabu, 31 Maret 2010


okaayy, aku tau hari ini hari terakhir setor SPT, dan itu lah kenapa semua orang menjadi sangat sensitif termasuk aku,, hyyuuhh semua orang perlu dokumen dan semua dokumen ada di aku,, jadi telpon krang kring melulu,,, yang baru nganter dokumen pun banyak, minta langsung disampein pula,,, paaarraaahhh dia pikir aku engga ngapa2in apah (-_-)
iyah nanti pasti disampein tapi ga bisa saat itu juga dong,, hyuuhhh mana yang punya dokumennya juga minta buru2,, kacau deh hidup ku,,, giliran mereka yang suru terima sendiri dokumennya bilangnya engga mau,, siibuuukk laaahhh,, appaa laaahhh,,,, nah yang nganter mintanya ketemu,,,, wedaaannn,, serba salah aja aku posisinya,,, pake acara ngedumel lagi tu kurir,, suuwwee
sabaarr sabbaaaarr,, orang sabar mukanya lebar,,, huhuhuuu


Senin, 29 Maret 2010

full enough

yesterday, i felt so full to eat many kind of seafood,,,
and today i also felt like yesterday,,,
but no seafood at all again,,,

too much eat,,,
too much delicious cake,,,
have to share to somebody,,,
cause i can't eat up all alone,,,

oohh God,,,
thanx for giving me enjoyment,,,
thanx for made me so happy to be around of nice people,,,

i'm fully enough,,,


Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

it's gonna be so fun

ahhaa,, what a gorgeous performance from kahitna,,
singing and dancing along night,,,
Nights of Indonesian Superstars (NOIS) 2010 at Pasific Place

March 26th, 2010 :D

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

we could be in love - Lea Salonga

Be still my heart
Lately its mind is all its own
It would go far and wide
Just to be near you
Even the stars, shining up bright
I've noticed when you're close to me
Still it remains a mystery.

Refrain 1:
Anyone who's seen us
Knows what's goin' on between us
It doesn't take a genius
To read between the lines
And it's not just wishful thinking
Or only me who's dreaming
I know what these are symptoms of
We could be in love.

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

haduh haduh,,,

kenapa yah hari ini kerjaan banyak banget,,, peeggeeelllll huhuhuhuh kebanyakan malesnya kali yah,, sampe akhirnya numpuk,,, wekekek
taapiii , , , alhamdulilah udah selesai sekarang,,,
jadi sudah tak ada lagi tumpukan tumpukan kertas di meja :D

actually, today i feel so bored to see so many paper around me,,, but, there is something that makes me happy,,,

guess what??

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

capture!! click,,,

ini adalah hasil capture perjalanan panjang di UI,, hahhaha

aq dan uwi yang bosen ngantri akhirnya memutuskan untuk foto-foto,, hahha engga peduli diliatin orang,, yang penting gaya.. hahhaa

hari yang panjang,,,

ehemm,, wiken ini cukup menguras tenaga dude,,
gimana engga, sabtu pagi aku berangkat ke UI dengan harapan bisa mendapati kereta tak penuh sesak, (secara itu wiken yah) tapi apa yang ku dapat???

sabtu pagi engga ada kereta ac dari stasiun sudimara menuju tanah abang, kalau pun ada sekitar jam 9, sementara aku suda sampai disitu jam 7 pagi,, hyuuhh damn,,

so i have to go with economic class,, okaay,, karena aku merasa bahwa hari itu sudah bukan hari kerja,, jadi aku pede aja buat beli tiket ekonomi sambil meyakinkan papa ku that i'm really okay ko walau harus naik ekonomi...

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

It's Friday :D

huuuaaaahh it's friday,, i always happy to see friday,, because tomorrow is a "lovely weekend" (i hope, hehe ) . i have a schedule to come to UI jobs career with wuri,, we HAVE TO come because tomorrow is the last day. hahah berharap ada yang nyangkut applicationnya walaupun cuma satu,, :D

Anyway, i just feeling so free,, ^_< karena kantor sepi,, dan yang sepi begini cuma ada di hari jumat, hahah so u can imagine how do i love friday,, hahaha although i feel hungry enough,, hiks hiks

u know, i never ever miss my lunch break time, because only at that time i could be myself,, i can share with wuri and lucky,, tell about anything we want to share,, hmmhh,,

so see you gals, enjoy your lunch break!


Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

me & wuri

yuphhh, kalo aq sebut satu kata yaitu "wuri",,
hhmmya ini dia orangnya,,
hahaha we always have time to spend together,,
even just having lunch or taking a photo,, ^_^
sebenernya bareng lucky juga,, tapi sory dear, aq belum save foto kita bertiga,, coming soon yah,,

well done,,

yuph, well done, that's the first word i wanna say,, coz everything is clear now,

hmmm,, i can say that today is my bad day, hahah after successfully making a mess today, now I feel dizzy huhuhu my brain seemed to go wrong again ya, i think it's because of busy season,, :P

first time

this is my first post, heehee and actually i still don't know what would I write here. hmmm, today,,,?? nothing special for today, it's just that lately I'm more happy to read blogs of people. and finally I was interested to make my own blog,, hahaha if you think that i'm late, i don't care hehhe ^_<>