what will you do if you are stuck in a building on a fire situation?
this is what I (and all people in tower 1) do when there is a fire drill in ISXB, :)
hehehe all the people forced to go down by the emergency stairs
because once the alarm sounds . . . . . .
all matters relating to the electricity goes out automatically :)
me & wuri
grab this pict from wuri
what do you think? we didn't look like in the dangerous situation, right?
hahhahah and everyone almost didn't care whether she look beautiful and fashionable or not, LOL :P
fire but still smile and happy,,, hehehhh
BalasHapusanyway salam knal :)
iah .. sekarang lagi musim kebakran, jadi harus bisa jaga jaga kalau ada kebakaran.. :D
BalasHapusjaketnya jakarta banget ; oren :D :D
BalasHapusi*ung besarr...
BalasHapusi*ung besaarrrrrrr
i*ung bessaarrrrrrrrr
dudududududu :-"
ahahaha looks fun :p
narsis jalan trus...
dulu wkt kerja juga sempet latihan kebakaran nih. pegel nurunin tangga. hehhee.